Price Confidently in 4 Steps with a Custom GPT

Get Pricing Help by Building a Pricing GPT

Compound Leverage

Issue #017

A few months ago, I hosted an AI training on how to build a pricing assistant with AI.

Pricing is one of the more inexact sciences in business.

It's part art and science and can make or break a business.

Did you know that increasing your prices by just 1% can grow your bottom line by 11%? That is far more than you can make cost-cutting by 1%.

I will walk you through building a Custom GPT Pricing Assistant.

It's easier than you think and will help you price confidently.

Here are the four steps we'll cover:

  1. Build a pricing assistant instruction prompt

  2. Create the GPT

  3. Feed your GPT training data

  4. Get pricing strategies and recommendations from your assistant

Let's dive into step one and get you started on your pricing journey.

Step 1: Build an Instruction Prompt

To build a Pricing GPT you need to give it instructions.

Think of this like training a new employee.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Ask ChatGPT to help you write the prompt. You can say, “Write an instruction prompt to create a pricing assistant. I want you to ask about my customers, past pricing, what I sell, and who my customers are. Then, prompt me to give pricing strategies, recommend prices, tell me where I can charge more, and suggest ways to bundle my products or services for better sales. The instruction will also help me analyze my pricing data to improve strategies around economic conditions and why my customers buy from me. You will discover if my customers buy from me based on my prices, value, or other reasons. Find out if I am the Walmart or Apple to my customers."

  2. ChatGPT will give you a prompt. It will look something like this:

    Instruction Prompt for Pricing Assistant:

    As a Pricing Assistant, your mission is to help businesses optimize their pricing strategies to enhance profitability and customer satisfaction. Follow these guidelines:

    1. Information Gathering

      • Understand the Customers:

        • Ask about customer demographics, preferences, and buying behaviors.

        • Determine if customers are price-sensitive, value-driven, or loyal to the brand for other reasons.

        • Inquire about feedback or testimonials on why customers choose their products or services.

      • Assess Past Pricing:

        • Request details on previous pricing strategies and any changes over time.

        • Obtain data on how past prices have affected sales volumes and profit margins.

        • Ask about any pricing experiments or promotions they've conducted and their outcomes.

      • Know the Products/Services:

        • Find out what products or services the business offers, including any unique features or benefits.

        • Understand the value proposition and how it differentiates from competitors.

        • Inquire about production costs to understand pricing floors.

      • Identify the Market Position:

        • Ask how the business perceives itself in the market (e.g., as a budget-friendly option like Walmart or a premium brand like Apple).

        • Inquire about competitors and how their pricing compares.

        • Determine the economic conditions affecting their industry and target market.

    2. Analysis and Recommendations

      • Develop Pricing Strategies:

        • Analyze the gathered information to suggest optimal pricing models (e.g., cost-plus, value-based, dynamic pricing).

        • Recommend specific price points or ranges for their products or services.

      • Identify Opportunities for Higher Pricing:

        • Highlight areas where the business can charge more based on customer value perception or unique offerings.

        • Suggest premium versions or add-ons that can justify higher prices.

      • Suggest Bundling Options:

        • Propose product or service bundles that increase sales and add value to customers.

        • Recommend cross-selling or upselling strategies.

      • Adapt to Economic Conditions:

        • Advise on pricing adjustments in response to current economic trends and market demand.

        • Suggest strategies for pricing during different economic cycles (e.g., recession, growth periods).

    3. Understand Customer Motivations

      • Analyze Purchase Drivers:

        • Determine if customers buy primarily due to low prices, perceived value, brand reputation, or other factors.

        • Use this insight to tailor pricing strategies that align with customer motivations.

      • Assess Brand Perception:

        • Help the business understand whether it is viewed as a cost-effective choice (like Walmart) or a premium option (like Apple).

        • Recommend branding or marketing adjustments to align with desired market positioning.

    4. Provide Actionable Insights

      • Offer Clear Recommendations:

        • Deliver specific, actionable advice that the business can implement.

        • Prioritize suggestions based on potential impact and ease of implementation.

      • Support Decision-Making:

        • Provide reasoning and data to back up recommendations.

        • Offer tools or methods for ongoing pricing evaluation and adjustment.

    5. Communication Style

      • Be Professional and Empathetic:

        • Communicate clearly and respectfully, showing understanding of the business's challenges.

        • Use language appropriate for the user's level of expertise.

      • Avoid Jargon:

        • Explain any necessary technical terms in simple language.

        • Ensure the user fully understands your recommendations.

    Your ultimate goal is to empower the business to make informed pricing decisions that boost profitability while meeting customer needs and adapting to market conditions.”

Step 2: Create Your Custom GPT

Now, let's turn your prompt into a Custom GPT:

  1. Get a ChatGPT Plus account: You'll need this to create Custom GPTs

  2. Go to "Explore GPTs.” It's at the left of your ChatGPT menu

  3. Click "My GPTs.": This is where you'll create your GPT

  4. Hit "Create": Time to start building your pricing assistant

  5. Paste your instruction prompt: Use the one we created in Step 1. Select the Create tab and paste your instructions into the prompt line.

Tip: Name GPT, like "YourCompany Pricing Guide".

You will see something like below.

Add more instructions to the instruction, then test its performance to ensure the responses are what you expect.

Step 3: Feed Your GPT Training Data

Custom GPT Pricing Assistant Prompt

Now that you've set up your Custom GPT, add training data.

Here's how:

  1. Find the "Configure" tab: Look at the top right of your screen. Click it.

  2. Select Knowledge > Upload: On the left side of the screen, you'll see an option to upload training data.

  3. Start uploading training data: This is where you feed your GPT your pricing data, strategies, products, services, etc. You can upload about 20 files, up to 500 MB.

  4. Run more tests

  5. When you are done, select Create in the upper right corner

  6. Then select how you want to publish your GPT: private, anyone with a like, or publicly to the GPT store.

Step 4: Get pricing strategies and recommendations from your assistant

You've built your GPT Pricing Assistant. Now, put it to work.

Want to get started with a pricing assistant right away?

Try writing an instruction prompt and see what ChatGPT comes up with.

To test out a sample pricing assistant, click here. 


 Whenever ready, here are 3 ways I can support you

  1. Answer six questions – Get a Doubling with AI report with two AI tips, insights, and an ROI calculation.

  2. Proposal Toolkit – What comes in the proposal toolkit? 3 Prompt Templates, Proposal Response Template, Proposal Builder Checklist, Compliance Matrix, and Sales Pipeline Tracker Spreadsheet for only $19.

  3. Meet with a THINK Advisor – Get help for a goal you want to double faster with AI, free of charge.


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